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Monday 20 June 2011

Things You Need To Know.


Did you know ?,

That the space between your eyebrow is called "glabella"

90 percent of world population have "innie" belly button. (I'm one of them.)

A person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day will (on average) lose two teeth every 10 years.

A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.

In every episode of Seinfeld there is a superman somewhere.

Charlie Chaplin once entered a Charlie Chaplin look alike contest and was placed third.

No word in the English language rhymes with month,orange,silver, or purple.

The word "fart" comes from the Old English "feortan' (meaning "to break wind")

A duck's quack doesn't echo.

A snail can sleep for three years.

All of the clocks in pulp fiction are stuck on 4:20

It is impossible to lick your elbow. ( I tried and I feel stupid for trying it) 

Triskaidekaphobia means fear of the number 13. (This is for those who believe in the Friday the 13th superstitious)

Most lipstick contains fish scales.

Coconut kill about 150 people each year more than shark does.

If you put a drop of liquor on a scorpion, it will instantly go mad and sting itself to death. (Talk about raging alcoholic problem)

Bats always turn left when exiting a cave. (But Batman doesn't)

People photocopying their buttocks are the cause of 23% of all photocopier faults worldwide. (Been there, done that)

More than 50%of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call. (I received text most of the time)

All polar bears are left handed.

There you go, 20 trivial information that some of you might know and dont. I have so much fun doing this meme because I got to know a lot of things, funny and yet full of surprise. I hope you guys enjoy this and gain something from it.

I would like to tag some people that I know in the blogosphere for this meme, MR TULS, MR CALVIN and MR HOTARU. And for you guys out there, you should try it. Who knows what information that you might get.Happy hunting and remember SHARING IS CARING.


Break a Kit Kat.
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Saturday 18 June 2011

101 Reason To Stay Single

Taken from Earl S.Wynn
1. Everything in your house is yours.
2. You don’t have to hide gifts, receipts, and other purchase records in ridiculous places.
3. If you buy something “yummy”, you don’t have to buy twice as much.
4. The only person you have to dress up for is your boss.
5. Your late nights are all yours.
6. Less stuff to move when you do move
7. One bedroom apartments feel more spacious with only one person
8. You never have to ask for permission to orgasm.
9. Only the doctor can tell you what to eat
10. You decide what to shave and when
11. Valentines day costs less
12. No anniversaries to remember
13. No extra birthdays to remember
14. No extra family to shop for during the holidays
15. No irritating in-laws to deal with
16. You can walk around naked whenever you want.
17. Only your sense of decency has any say about where you leave your dirty clothes.
18. You don’t have to share
19. You don’t have to change your life because someone else has jealousy issues.
20. The only insecurities you have to deal with are your own.
21. Getting that out-of-state job doesn’t hinge on what someone else wants or thinks.
22. The only people complaining about music volume are the neighbors.
23. You can fall asleep anywhere without getting any guff for it in the morning.
24. You don’t have to use the “headache” excuse anymore.
25. You don’t have to worry as much about the “oops, I’m pregnant” factor.
26. The only person who goes through your stuff is you.
27. The only person who sees your inbox is you.
28. More time to spend with friends.
29. You don’t have to live with someone who can’t stand your parents.
30. If you want to go for pizza at 3am, no one stops you or asks you why.
31. You can date more freely.
32. The cute secretary is fair game.
33. The whole wedding mess? Yeah, none of that to deal with.
34. You don’t have to share your closet with anyone else.
35. You always get to watch what you want.
36. You always get to read what you want.
37. You decide when to crawl into bed.
38. You can throw yourself into bed and snore without dire consequences.
39. No one else’s annoying (or disgusting) habits to deal with at home.
40. The only fetishes you have to deal with are your own.
41. You can talk to yourself without people saying “what?” or worrying about your sanity.
42. There are religious benefits, if you’re into that kind of thing.
43. Single people can still adopt, if you’re into that kind of thing.
44. The only annoying friends you have to deal with are your own.
45. You don’t ever have to wonder if you really love the person you live with.
46. There’s only one way to do things- your way.
47. You are the master of the thermostat.
48. The only messes you have to clean up are your own.
49. The only disasters you have to fix are your own.
50. If an argument starts, you can walk away… forever.
51. You don’t have to make excuses for yourself.
52. The whole “old maid” thing is so last century.
53. Dinner can be as simple as a frozen burrito.
54. When you eat, you buy and cook for one.
55. No one else is going to eat your leftovers.
56. No one else is going to raid your stash of sweets (you don’t even have to hide it!)
57. You don’t have to share your bed with anyone.
58. You can even eat in bed if you want to.
59. You can decorate the entire house according to your taste.
60. The only person spending your money is you.
61. Three words: Marriage Tax Penalty.
62. The only debts you have to pay off are your own.
63. Kids with single parents can get more financial aid.
64. Bickering couples are at best a relieving reminder and at worst hilarious.
65. Less pressure about body weight.
66. Married people are fatter on average anyway.
67. Suddenly, it’s okay to look (and flirt).
68. It’s easier to focus on your career and your dreams.
69. You’re the only person who gets to decide if you “need to make more money.”
70. The only mood swings you have to deal with are your own.
71. There are a lot of lonely and violently psychopathic people out there.
72. You don’t have to change your religious beliefs one bit.
73. There are 6.5 Billion other fish in the sea. That’s 6,500 x 1 million. Yeah.
74. Porn is cheaper, easier, and comes in more varieties.
75. The toilet seat only moves when you move it.
76. Cohabitation is legal, fun, and less of a hassle than marriage.
77. You don’t have to deal with someone else’s kids all the time.
78. Divorce is pricey.
79. You don’t have to deal with “compliment fishing.”
80. Fewer minutes spent with a phone attached to your ear.
81. No endless nagging.
82. You never have to answer the phone “right now!”
83. You can drink what you want, where you want, and as much as you want.
84. No doubts or worries about someone sleeping around.
85. Things stay where you put them.
86. You can meditate and have your quiet time when you need it.
87. The only thing whining about not being fed is your cat.
88. You can take out the trash when you feel like it.
89. You can shower or bathe when you want, as often as you want, for as long as you want.
90. You can even leave the door open when you shower.
91. The longer you wait, the better you know yourself, instead of someone else.
92. Children learn how to treat themselves by watching how you treat yourself.
93. A bad relationship is like a lingering knife wound- it continues to ruin your whole day.
94. You can be as eccentric as you want.
95. Your car can be as dirty or unusual or artistic as you want.
96. You decide how long it takes to get ready.
97. Say goodbye to heartache, dumping, and being dumped.
98. You get your weekends for you and your projects.
99. You can be the wild friend with all the really juicy stories.
100. You can still get laid. Maybe even more often. Certainly with more variety.
101. Being single and staying single isn’t selfish. It should be seen as putting your happiness first ( Where it should be )

Break a Kit Kat.
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Friday 17 June 2011


This is a story where you will be the one who decide to believe whether it is a true story or a fictional imagination of the writer. As they said, in every truth there will be a grain of lie, or is it in every lie there will be a grain of truth.

So here is a story for some of you guys out there who have been struggling all this time.
It is all started with a typical heartbroken boy who seeks comfort in food. He eats and he eats and he eats to fill the void in his heart. But no matter how much he eats the loneliness keep creeping on. The comfort once he seeks for turn into a nightmare that plunge him further into self loathing and depression abyss.

Ridicule by his family and relative. Compared to other people and being the last option for everything. Being rejected again and again until every single shred of self esteem is gone.  He laughs it off and pretending that he is happy. Smiley face plastered on his face and he found that mocking himself and making jokes as a defense mechanism.

He went on through life by deceiving himself until he met a friend. Who is somewhat not your typical rainbow and sunny sunshine kind of guy. His tongue is made from a thousand viper venom, his polite words are barbed with sharp swords and he is someone who discriminates toward size and shape. He is an epitome of tough love. Some of his quote that bitch slap him awake are:

“Aren’t fat a disease?”

“Those who say real people have curve doesn’t know that they don’t live longer, happier and better quality of life”

“If I’m fat, I know I can lose it back, and if I’m ugly there are plenty of ways to become beautiful again. But if you are fat, ugly and lazy, hell knows nothing is going to change”

Cruel and evil as it may seems, the friend actually care about the boy, they are best friend until now. He makes the boy realize that nothing good is coming from being a 114kg oversize boy who is in his teenage hood. All the disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart attack is not something that could be play with especially when the friend learn it from his experience losing  someone dear in his life because of that.

All the walking, DDR-ing, bowling, and window shopping (imagine walking all the way from KLCC to Times Square then to Mid Valley and they walk through every nook and cranny of every level of the every mall) did help a bit in shedding his weight. Not that much but still it is a progress. But alas, college years end fast and they have to part ways.

But the boy doesn’t lose hope. His determination and will keep him going through. During internship years he pushes himself to the extreme to lose his weight. He admits there are times when he slip and take the easy way. Kneel in front of the toilet bowl every time he eats. Starving for days and taking weird junk supplement in hope to lose his weight more over to gain back his dignity.

There are even times where he just drinks orange lemon juice for a month thanks to an American R&B recording artist, actress and fashion designer who was born and raised in Houston, Texas fad diet, he nearly get himself a stomach ulcer. That is when he knows he is going to stop taking the easy path, because life doesn’t work that way.

He rise up from the bottom and work hard for it. Walking everyday for the first month spending most of the time walking and from then on it turn to jog and at last he runs. Watching what he eats and setting his eating time. He left his wallet everywhere he go and just bring a cardholder and RM5 note for emergencies.

Substitute food with small snacks like peanuts and fruits (In his case he eats tempe and boiled fish meat as substitute for rice). Eating that only once a week and cover it with raisins and fruit for every meal. Switching white bread to wholegrain also helps him and the most important thing a lot of water to replenish the liquid and sustain some energy.

Survive by eating fruits, nuts, and water. Forcing to walk, use the stairs and taking the long route. That is the best bet for him. He doesn’t have to spend money to go to gym and he knows he doesn’t have what it takes to push the limited amount of energy in his body to do extreme exercise.

After four month of going through all of that he finally manage to shed more than half of his weight. From 114kg to 60kg, it is an achievement he would never forget. Graduating his diploma and shocking all of his batch and lecturers. Granted he is not muscular or having pecs. But from size XXXL to XS and S, from pant waist size of 40-50 to 29-30.

I know some of you might disapprove this. But before you slam and criticize this, remember for someone like the boy to went through his college life being a target of jokes and mockery, even being ridicule by his own family to finally have a chance to go to his graduation day without feeling like a mascot in his robes and maybe a chance to finally be happy.

This is not something that I suggest or encourage people to do. I admit that some people might think that it is anorexic and stuff and I never would want anyone else to go through what I went through. The hardship, the tears and the pain that have to be endured are not something to fun to feel.  Life is unfair; there will never be an easy way out. Some sacrifices in a temporary period for something is not unreasonable right?

 P/S the boy is still trying to lose some weight, people might think it is okay but for him he is still a fat boy. He needs to slay the chubbywocky!

P/P/S still trying to find the fat picture of the boy during college, but to no avail he rarely takes a picture of himself during that era. But according to the best friend he did keep some proof of the boy fat picture in his external, will have to get it from him.

          He still have some of his pants and clothes from his huge era though, his mother keep it for unexplained reasons, will try to get a picture of that too.

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Break a Kit Kat.
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Thursday 16 June 2011

Truth Or Dare

So here you go guys,the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth.(the bad, the ugly and the nasty)
1. Last beverage: Sky Juice
2. Last phone call: Teoh Han Hui
3. Last text message: Benjy
4. Last song you listened to: Candice Accola - Eternal Flame
5. Last time you cried: Yesterday
6. Dated someone twice: Yes.
7. Been cheated on: Yes
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Hell yes
9. Lost someone special: My father
10. Been depressed: Yup
11. Been drunk and threw up: Drunk yes,threw up no.(vomiting are only for babies) 
12. Monochromatic color
13. Cyan
14. Pink ( Yeah I know, lets call it salmon color)
15. Made a new friend: A lot!
16. Fallen out of love: Ouh yes ;/
17. Laughed until you cried: Yes
18. Met someone who changed you: Yes
19. Found out who your true friends were: Yeah that was one long drama.
20. Found out someone was talking about you: Yes
21. Kissed anyone on your friend’s list: Yes. 
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: Used to be 95% now I’m guessing 75%.HAHA
23. How many kids do you want?: A pair?
24. Do you have any pets: Used to have a cat named Nemo.
25. Do you want to change your name: Iskandar Dzulkarnain Muhammad Taufiq Ehsan Shah (thought about it plenty of time)
26. What did you do for your last birthday: Stay up late, play in the park and a heart confession to a someone ;/
27. What time did you wake up?: Random
28. What were you doing at midnight last night?: Chatting with Mr.L.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: I’m blank.
30. Last time you saw your Mother: 1 months ago.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Nothing that I can think of.
32. What are you listening to right now:  Make You Feel My Love - Adele
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Not that I know of.
34. Who is getting on your nerves now?: Some people
35. Most visited webpage: FB
36. What’s your real name: Muhammad Syamil Abdullah Zaini
37. Nicknames: Me,X,Am,Kit
38. Relationship Status: Single.
39. Zodiac sign: Virgo
40. Male or female?: M
41. Elementary School?: SK(F) LKTP Chemomoi
42. Secondary School?: SMK Seri Bentong.
43. College/University?: Multimedia College Kuala Lumpur/Multimedia University
44. Hair color: Brown.
45. Long or short: Medium,Soft Layer and Side slope.
46. Height: 170cm
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: Yes!
48: What do you like about yourself?: Everything =)
49. Piercings: Upper left ear
50: Tattoos: None (but thinking to get a temporary one)
51. Righty or lefty: Righty
52. First surgery: 14 stitches on my head.
53. First piercing: 8 Months ago.
54. First best friend: Suhaimi Beran
55. First sport you joined: Soccer and then volleyball.HAHA
56. First vacation: Pangkor Island
58. First pair of trainers: Not a big fan of them.
59. Eating: Nothing
60. Drinking: Still sky juice
61. I’m about to: Wait for my friend
62. Listening to music: The Lonely - Christina Perri
63. Waiting for: Something or someone to sweep me off my feet.
64. Want kids?: if possible
65. Get married?: that would be best =)
66. Career: Still in the dark
67. Lips or eyes: Lips
68. Hugs or kisses: Long deep kiss.
69. Shorter or taller: Taller partner something about the height that I cant explain.
70. Older or Younger: Older but younger is also fine by me as long as they have a mature mentality
71. Romantic or spontaneous: Young Romantic.
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: Stomach
73. Sensitive or loud: I’m a mixture of both.
74. Hook-up or relationship: If relationship is the answer, but while you are waiting for the answer, hook-up raises some pretty good questions
76. Kissed a stranger: YES
77. Drank hard liquor: Yes
78. Lost glasses/contacts: Yes
79. Sex on first date: *reminiscence* yeahh :/
80. Broken someone’s heart: I guess
82. Been arrested: Not yet.
83. Turned someone down: Yes
84. Cried when someone died: Yes
85. Fallen for a friend: Yes
86. Yourself: yes.
87. Love at first click: HAHA I guess it depends.
88. Love at first sight: yes
89. Heaven: I guess.
90. Santa Claus: Nope. 
91. Kiss on the first date: Yes.
92. Angels: I guess.
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: Yeah.
95. Did you sing today?: Yeah.
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: I’m not sure, maybe.
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: When I was with my first love.
98. The moment you would choose to relive?: Happy moments.
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: Yes, (Shattered dreams)
100. Are you afraid of posting this as 100 truths?: I guess, but why?
Feel free to ask anything,I’ll try to answer it as diplomatic and as vague-est as I can :P


Break a Kit Kat.
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  • Kit Kat
    • Who am I?I'm Spider-Man. Wait, no, that was a movie!.I would describe myself as a calm rational person and goal-oriented.I enjoy making people laugh.I am intelligent and can carry on meaningful conversations.I care about other people's feelings. When I'm with someone special I like being spontaneous, adventurous, romantic, surprising them with little gestures, sensual, playful, and basically having that type of fun you see two people who just met in the movies having! Someone to laugh with, hang out with, be spontaneous with, and have fun with! I'm looking for someone who has similar qualities and desires someone who they can connect with.I feel there has to be mutual physical attraction for there to be good chemistry between two people.

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